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What is Elastosis?

Sun damage and loss of collagen and elastin.


Understanding Elastosis: Causes, Effects, and Prevention


 Elastosis is a skin condition caused by loss of collagen and elastin.

 It is commonly associated with aging, smoking and sun damage.

Causes of Elastosis:

  1. Aging:
    • The natural aging process leads to a reduction in skin elasticity, lack of gonadal hormones induces negative changes in the tone and texture of skin and bony structures.
  2. UV Radiation:
    • Prolonged sun exposure can damage elastic fibers in the skin.
    • Smoking breaks the collagen fibers in the skin causing laxity.

Effects of Elastosis:

  1. Wrinkles and Fine Lines:
    • Elastosis contributes to the development of wrinkles and fine lines.
    • The breakage in the collagen and elastin fibers results in sagging skin.
  2. Loss of Skin Elasticity:
    • Explain how elastosis results in sagging skin.
  3. Skin Texture Changes:
    • Mention how it can affect the texture and overall appearance of the skin.

Prevention and Management:

  1. Sun Protection:
    • It is imperative to use sunscreen, protective clothing, and hats when outdoors.
  2. Avoiding Tanning Beds:
    • Tanning beds expose the skin to harmful UV radiation inducing significant aging.
  3. Skin Care Routine:
    • Recommend a skincare routine that includes moisturization and medical grade products with antioxidants and collagen-boosting ingredients such as Vit C serum, hyaluronic acid and peptides.
    • Laser skin tightening which is a treatment where collagen is built over time.
    • PRP treatment, where plasma is injected or microneedled into the skin to stimulate the production of stem cells rejuvenating the skin. Stem cells infact are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin fibers healing the tissue affected by the skin condition.
    • Exosomes treatment, exosomes treatment of the skin is the most effective procedure where a solution is injected into the skin signaling and attracting stem cells into the area with the effect of rejuvenating the skin improving tone and texture.


                   SKIN CONCERNS!     

Dr. Lucia Cagnes Dr. Cagnes is a double certified Ob/ Gyn doctor in Europe as well as in the USA. She has been in practice in the US for more than 23 years.

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